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Petrol in diesel car by mistake - Our wrong fuel recovery service got you covered 24/7 in Southend-on-Sea

07917 952153

Wrong fuel in car

Welcome to Wrong Fuel Team! We specialize in helping you when you accidentally put petrol in your diesel car in Southend-on-Sea. Our team of experts is here to provide you with the best wrong fuel solutions to get you back on the road quickly and safely. Don't panic, we've got you covered! Contact us now for immediate wrong fuel assistance in Southend-on-Sea.

Wrong Fuel Team is here for your motor vehicle repairs if you filled wrong fuel in car, on reasonable price.
Our company provides 24/7 wrong fuel drain on forecourt, roadside or home in Southend-on-Sea.

The most common example of a refuelling is when petrol / unleaded is refuelled into the fuel tank instead of diesel. This can be explained by the fact that the petrol filling pistol is slightly thinner, so it fits smoothly in the filling opening of a diesel car. Conversely, you already have to fight to be able to fill up with diesel, but by the time you upset yourself that it won’t work, we hope you realize something is wrong. There are some more modern cars that are fitted with anti-refuelling devices, but even the most inattentive can overcome this. The most important thing is that you have already realized the fault while refuelling, so that you do not accidentally start the car or light it up, only if it is vital. It would be best not to open the driver’s door either, as many cars start to pump fuel from the tank as a result of the sound, making refuelling as fast as possible.

Wrong Fuel Team is a brand or service that specializes in assisting motorists who have put the wrong type of fuel in their vehicles. Our services typically offer assistance for draining and fixing vehicles that have been fueled with the wrong type of petrol or diesel. Wrong Fuel Team services are always available on call and can be dispatched to the location of the stranded vehicle.

Our Wrong Fuel Drain services include:

  1. Draining the Fuel Tank: The primary service provided by Wrong Fuel Team is to remove the contaminated fuel from the vehicle's tank (unleaded in a diesel engine, diesel in unleaded engine or AdBlue in diesel fuel tank). We use specialized equipment to safely drain the tank, ensuring that no further damage is done to the vehicle.

  2. Cleaning the Fuel System: After draining the tank, we clean and flush the fuel lines and components to remove any remaining traces of the wrong fuel.

  3. Inspecting for Damage: We also inspect the vehicle for any potential damage caused by using the wrong fuel. This can include checking the fuel filters, fuel injectors, and other components.

  4. Providing the Correct Fuel: After the wrong fuel is removed and the fuel system is cleaned, we refill the tank with the correct fuel.

Our wrong fuel doctor services are particularly useful for those who find themselves in the unfortunate situation of using the wrong fuel, as we have the expertise and equipment to handle the problem efficiently.


However, it's important to note that using these services can be costly.

Putting petrol (gasoline) in a diesel car can lead to significant engine damage and performance issues.

Ignition Differences:

Diesel engines rely on compression ignition, where the air-fuel mixture ignites due to the high compression of air in the cylinder. Petrol engines use spark plugs to ignite a spark in the air-fuel mixture. Petrol in a diesel engine can disrupt the compression ignition process, potentially causing misfiring or no ignition at all.

Lubrication Issues:

Diesel fuel has lubricating properties that help protect the diesel engine's components. Petrol, on the other hand, lacks these lubricating properties. When petrol is introduced into a diesel engine, it can lead to increased friction and wear on engine parts.

Reduced Efficiency:

The use of petrol in a diesel engine can reduce engine efficiency and power output. It can also lead to decreased fuel economy.

Damage to Fuel System:

Modern diesel engines have complex fuel injection systems that are designed for diesel fuel. Petrol can damage these components, including the fuel injectors and fuel pump, which can be costly to repair or replace.

Potential for Engine Knock:

If the petrol ignites in the diesel engine, it can create knocking or pinging sounds, which are indicative of uncontrolled combustion. Engine knock can further damage the engine over time.

Increased Emissions:

Using the wrong fuel can result in increased emissions, as the engine may not burn the fuel efficiently.

If you accidentally put petrol in a diesel car follow these steps:

Do Not Start the Engine:

Starting the engine can lead to further damage, as petrol may have already entered the fuel system.

Call US for Professional Wrong Fuel Recovery help:

Contact us immediately. We will need to drain the fuel tank, flush the fuel lines, and potentially replace damaged components.

Avoid Driving:

Do not attempt to drive the car until it has been properly repaired.

Preventing this situation is crucial. Be vigilant at the pump, and double-check the fuel type before refueling your vehicle. Diesel nozzles are typically larger than petrol nozzles, and diesel pumps are often labeled clearly to help prevent mistakes. If you suspect you've made a mistake, it's better to deal with it before starting the engine.

Here's what to do if you've put unleaded petrol in a diesel car:

Do Not Start the Engine:

If you realize you've used the wrong fuel, do not attempt to start the engine. Starting the engine can cause the petrol to be drawn into the diesel engine's fuel system, increasing the risk of damage.

Turn Off the Engine:

If the engine is running, turn it off immediately to prevent further fuel circulation.

Contact a Professional:

Call us for wrong fuel assistance service to assess the situation and provide guidance. We can drain and fix your car without towing the car anywhere.

Drain and Flush the Fuel System:

The most common solution to this problem is draining the fuel tank to remove the petrol and flushing the fuel lines, filters, and other components. Depending on the severity of the contamination, the mechanic may need to replace some parts of the fuel system after the drainage.

Fuel System Cleaning:

After draining and flushing the system, it's essential to clean and inspect various components, including fuel injectors, the fuel pump, and the fuel tank, to ensure there is no remaining petrol residue.

Test and Verify:

After the cleaning and repairs, we verify that the engine is running correctly.

Prevent Future Mistakes:

To avoid making this mistake again, always double-check the fuel type before refueling your vehicle, and make sure you're using the correct pump nozzle. Diesel pump nozzles are usually larger and may be labeled differently to help prevent mix-ups.

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